As part of a yearly Ulster Protestant celebration, Eleventh Night bonfires are lit across Northern Ireland. This year, on the night before The Twelfth day in July, firefighters received 123 calls, of which 42 were bonfire related. One of them, in Belfast, resulted in two terraced houses being gutted and a third … [Read more...]
Barbecue Disposal Starts Bin Fires In Kent
Kent Fire and Rescue service are asking people to take extra care when disposing of barbecue coals. This comes after they were called to two bin fires over the hot weekend. On Saturday, a public bin in Folkestone Harbour caught alight after someone had dumped their disposable barbecue inside. And on Sunday, crews … [Read more...]
Australian Man Suffers Burns After iPhone Fire
An Australian man who suffered severe burns when his iPhone 6 caught fire, is now asking Apple to warn the public of the dangers. Gareth Clear, 36, posted the pictures of his injury on Twitter, which occurred when he slipped off of his mountain bike. It is then that his phone ignited and left him needing skin graft … [Read more...]
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning More Than Doubles In Kent
Nationally, there is a 10% rise in recorded incidents of suspected CO poisoning. Cases in children have increased by 20%, and by 17% in the over 60s. In Kent, these figures are even more worrying. Figures obtained by Project SHOUT measured recorded cases year-on-year from July 2014 to June 2016. There were 32 … [Read more...]
Capital Destroyed In Four-Day Inferno
More than 13,000 homes, businesses, and structures, including St Paul’s Cathedral, were destroyed by fire 350 years ago. This left a majority of people from the City of London homeless. London was largely destroyed in 1666 when a fire started in a bakery on Puddling Lane shortly after midnight. Only six deaths are … [Read more...]