A wet chemical fire extinguisher is ideally designed for kitchen fires specifically involving deep fat fryers and cooking oils. Any other extinguisher would be inappropriate and instead cause a fire to seriously escalate and spread rather than extinguishing. You can use wet chemical fire extinguishers on Class A and … [Read more...]
How to Use a CO2 Fire Extinguisher
A CO2 fire extinguisher (carbon dioxide) is by far the safest to use on an electrical fire and is the only one which is actually recommended for use. Unlike other extinguishers, there is no risk of electrocution, and it will not cause corrosive damage to electronic components. Having a CO2 fire extinguisher is … [Read more...]
How to Use a Powder Fire Extinguisher
A powder fire extinguisher is the most versatile extinguisher around. Because it is multi-purpose, it has earned the name ABC Dry Powder fire extinguisher because it is safe to use on Class A, B and C fires. In fact, a powder fire extinguisher can even be used on electrical fires, but because of the residue, it … [Read more...]
How to Use a Foam Fire Extinguisher
Foam fire extinguishers are the most effective and safest extinguisher to use on fire involving flammable liquids (Class B), and solid combustibles (Class A). Typically, these can be very dangerous fires which are the burning of liquids such as petrol, diesel, paints, oil, solvents, spirits, and a lot else … [Read more...]
How to Use a Water Fire Extinguisher
Water is the oldest method of firefighting. With a water fire extinguisher, you’re able to safely and effectively put out Class A fires, which involve solid combustibles such as wood, paper, textiles, and rubbish. It’s essential you know how to use a water fire extinguisher, and where you can find your nearest one … [Read more...]