Burns Kits
Burns kits are an essential first aid item that have everything needed to treat a burn, sunburn or scald immediately at the scene. Ideal for workplaces, kitchens and homes, they contain items that help instantly relieve and soothe the wound whilst protecting it from infection.
Work or public places with a high risk of burns are advised to have access to burn products in the case of an emergency.
We supply individual burn first aid items to top up your existing kit, such as dressings and gels, and complete burns kits that include everything from scissors and gloves to blotting sheets and eyewash pods. We even have a burn first aid poster to help guide employees on the best treatment for various burns.
Every second counts following a burn. That’s why it’s so important to be prepared with the right first aid equipment to deal with the injury quickly and effectively.
We’ve answered some of our most frequently asked questions below:
When do I need a burns kit?
Burns kits are ideal for kitchen environments and other places with a high risk of burn injuries. Most homes and workplaces should have burn products that are easily accessible to help treat the wound immediately.
Burns can continue burning the deeper layers of skin and tissue, so treating them as soon as possible helps prevent further damage. The NHS advise running the wound under lukewarm or cool water for 15-20 minutes after the accident and before applying burn gel or spray. Never apply ice or greasy creams.
What do first aid kits have to treat burns?
Depending on the level of burn risk, you can supplement your existing first aid kit with individual burns products, such as gels or dressings. If your home or business premises have a higher risk of burn accidents, you should consider a full burns first aid kit.
Which burn products should be included in a first aid kit?
A complete burns kit has everything needed to treat any burn severity immediately - before seeking medical advice. Our medium burns first aid kit includes blotting sachets, hydrogel, dressings, scissors, gloves, eyewash pods, bandages, tape and wall brackets. This is the perfect precaution for any public or workplace.
Regular first aid kits and workplace first aid kits may contain some items to deal with a burn, such as dressings, but it is advisable to top these up with hydrogel or blotting sachets to be best prepared in an emergency.
How does burn gel work?
Hydrogel is a sterile, water-based gel used to cool and soothe burns of all types. It helps to keep the wound hydrated and reduce scarring. You can feel the effects immediately as it draws out the heat from the burn and stops any further damage to healthy tissue.
Our handy 60ml burn gel is easy to apply and is suitable for all ages and skin types.