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Table Top Display Signs

Safety signs are all around us, but sometimes we all need a little reminder, and that's where our neat tabletop display safety signs can help.

From reminding foreign visitors that your meeting rooms are non-smoking, or that they should switch off their mobile phones in the office, these tabletop safety signs can be used again and again.

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Tabletop signs can also inform visitors and staff of important safety information when you are outside your normal premises, such as in a display marquee. Our selection of rigid PVC photoluminescent write-on tabletop signs can be customised to inform guests:

  • In case of fire your assembly point is...
  • Your fire warden is...
  • Your first aider is....

Our UK-manufactured compact tabletop display signs will give you years of service in a variety of situations. Sold in packs of 5, our prices offering bumper savings of up to 56% off normal costs.
